Jodi Ching


Lucy Zhang

Senior Vice President

Faith Ju

Senior Vice President

Ava Torab

Recruitment Chair

Zimin He



Nilay Kundu

Vice President of Chapter Operations

Vic Pei

Internal Ambassador

Michelle Sun

Vice President of Marketing

Rohan Schellenbach

Vice President of Marketing

Soraya Rios-Scheurer

Marketing Chair


Shahin Sheikh

Vice President of Professional Activities

Neil Antony

Vice President of Brotherhood

Tara Rezaei

Vice President of Alumni Relations

Ryan Yahnker

Vice President of Brotherhood

Trevor Yamin

Vice President of Internal Finance

Kate Shimabukuro

Vice President of Scholarship and Awards

Landon Smith

Vice President of External Finance

Adriana Carrillo

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Chair

Ella Emberger

Vice President of Community Service